Monday, October 27, 2008

Portfolio Task 4: Difficulties I have Writing in my Engineering Classes

The problems I have during the writing process occur during the planning stage. This problem is related to the content of my essay. In the planning stage, I tend to have problems generating ideas. I spend quite a considerable amount of time trying to list down the points that is relevant to the essay question. Even after I have listed down all the points, I need to spend some time linking and organising the points together to ensure that I do not stray away from the essay question. This pre-writing process worries me because in the examinations, I cannot afford to waste too much time in planning my essay. In order to overcome these problems, I will probably need to underline relevant keywords in the essay question. The underlining of the keywords allows me to understand better and keep in mind of what the essay question is asking. This would also allow me to generate ideas related to the topic of the essay question without being out of point. Perhaps during the planning process, I should change the method in which I plan my essay. The most preferred method for me is listing. However, I discovered that listing has a major disadvantage. It is not an effective method in helping me visualising the order or sequence of my essay. Listing is merely just writing down whatever ideas that I can think of at that point of time. As a result, after I have sufficient points for my essay, these points listed are all disorganised and extra time is needed to sort out the points in a logical sequence. Therefore, I should switch to mind mapping instead as it is a much more organised way of planning essays. Mind mapping is a more efficient method in helping me plan my essay in the shortest time possible.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Portfolio Task 3: Summary

Providing Clean Access To Clean Water

Many parts of the world today experience the lack of potable water. The numerous deaths in the world are partly caused by the shortage of clean water. People that are living in countries with inadequate access to water as well as lacking proper poor hygiene suffer from poor health. Water is located everywhere, but the distribution of water worldwide is not the same for every country. Political, economic and environmental issues prevent countries from accessing clean water. Personal water consumption accounts for a small percentage of total water use while the rest of it is used for agricultural and industry. Engineers play an important role in developing more sophisticated methods to meet the demands of adequate water supply. The method of channelling water to places lack of water does not fully solve the water problem. Desalination involves extracting salt from seawater. Desalination technology is used in many countries. Desalination plants are costly and consumes huge amount of energy. New technologies that are cheaper and less energy-consuming might be needed to solve the world’s water problems. Developing policies to reduce water usage is a different approach to the water problem. Water demand is reduced through the use of improved technologies to maximize the efficiency of using water. Water loss in urban areas is a major problem. A preferred method to improve water availability and safety is the use of small decentralized distillation units. Providing inexpensive water supply to rural and poor regions is one of the main concerns. The approaches mentioned will aid in the problem of unfair distribution of water resources. The income gap between the rich and poor causes an uneven distribution of water resources. Technological solutions must be put in place within systems to recognise and address these inequities.


National Academy of Engineering. ( n.d.). Providing clean access to water. Retrieved October 2, 2008, from